Well, today was more exciting than expected! I had to work this morning, and thus didn't sort out to go and join in the London sketchcrawl group. I was a bit grumpy about this as I've NEVER managed to make it to a crawl. So, finished work early and thought I'd drive down to Portobello instead and do a bit of sketching on my own, and then call into the supermarket for groceries on the way home.
Sketched a little, then started sketching the paella stall (which has always fascinated me, even though I've never tried paella - it always smells so good!). The men running the stall smiled and winked, then one of them asked if I was writing a book (my sketchbook is a revamped vintage book - looks like a proper book from the outside). Nope, I'm sketching. He then asked if I would scan it and e-mail it to him when I was done, and then offered me lunch!
I was polite and said no to the food at first, but by the time I had finished the smell had made me ravenous so I shyly accepted some chicken paella. It was DELICIOUS.
Clearly I didn't get anything else drawn after that, but what an exciting day!
The lovely paella stall is run by www.jamonjamon.co.uk
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