Monday, 13 April 2009

A lovely bank holiday (part 3)

My handbag weighs a tonne (in fact, technically, it weighs just under a stone!). It's full of all sorts of things that I might need on a day-to-day basis. I went through my bag the other week and it contained all sorts, from tissues to painkillers to scissors to spare decking screws to perfume to a keyring torch shaped like a cow (which moos when it lights up).

Like I said, it contains pretty much everything I *might* need. So I wondered what I could get away with as a bare minimum. This sketch shows the extremely whittled down list. It's pretty comprehensive I think, as long as i don't get a headache, or have an asthma attack, or want to floss my teeth, or need to see in the dark... ;)


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